ActionRPGSimulation2017-11-20Jurassic Survival is a free-to-play prehistoric-themed survival MMO game where you can not only hunt dinosaurs, from the most ferocious meat-eaters to the gargantuan plant-eaters, but also other players who encroached on your land. The game is basically a copy-and-paste version of the popular zombie survival game, Last Day on Earth - Survival. This means that you'll get to design and build your own base, set up defenses, and head out to scour the wilderness for resources to hoard as well as to use for crafting. There are also clans that you can join just so you can have enough firepower to take down tougher dinosaurs.
Interestingly though, the game is not set in prehistoris times despite having a prehistoric/ dinosaur theme. In this game, there are plenty of weapons, including more modern ones like guns, as well as armor that you'll need to use on your dino hunts just so you can survive the encounter. Similar to the many different types of zombies in Last Day on Earth, there are plenty of dinosaur types in this game too. Knowing their behavior will help tremendously when you want to take them on.